Now React

I am finally starting to take a look at react, so far I'm just building the Node rest API on the videos I'm doing, but thanks much to Net Ninja almost everything is making sense.  His Javascript course on Udemy was amazing beyond belief.  I still sometimes watch the videos on my phone when I have nothing else to do.  That is not a very common occurance because my job is very hands on, but I get a minute or two here or there sometimes.  I find myself asking a lot why React, not as in a Vue or Angular, but more what is it doing that vanilla does not.  I do not have that answer yet but I am very hopeful I soon will.  I know one of the best arguments from YouTube was... get ready, everyone is doing it right now.  So money is out there if you can master React.  I'm not certain how much, but it's probably decent.  I also really want to dive into view, I read the docs a lot on my breaks at work, and Vue is going to be the one I try without videos, that is still a ways off for me.  I have 4 React courses I am going to get through I figure by that time I will be able to make whatever I want without videos but that may just be a dream.  Vue interests me as I read the guy who designed it has a ton of experience with Angular and React and tried to put all of the best pieces in that.  I have NEVER done Angular so I have no idea about that but the idea intrigues me.  More to come as I move along this path, I like JavaScript a lot, and I still love Python so please do not hate me.

Posted by: Jammin

Oct. 13, 2020, 10:15 p.m.